The Time of your life
Where? Oakland United Methodist Church — 200 N Main — Oakland, Iowa
When? July 20th - July 24th, 2014
What time? 6:00 - 8:00 pm Light meal served at 6:00 pm
Join Oakland United Methodist, Oakland Christian, Sharon Presbyterian, Oakland Congregational Churches for 2014 VBS. The fun will begin Sunday, July 20 and wrap up Thursday, July 24—from 6-8 pm. Ages 3 through 5th grade. A light supper will be served each evening. Check OUMC website for registration. Preregistration is recommended to guarantee VBS t-shirt. Call 712-482-6240 (Oakland Christian Church) or 712-482-5530 (Oakland United Methodist) for more info.
To pre-register, call the church office at 482-5530 or 482-6240 or fill out the form below.