ANNOUNCEMENTSNEW MAILING ADDRESS: We have a new mailing address for the Oakland UMC. It has been changed to 200 North Main Street, PO# 4
JUST A REMINDER: YOUR CONTINUED FINANCIAL SUPPORT of the ministry of Oakland UMC is crucial. Please continue to give your financial offerings even when you cannot physically attend church. There are three ways you can give:
Please know that you can call the church at 712-482-5530 if there is any way that I, as your pastor, or the church can help you get through this time. Some of you may be in a position to give above and beyond your usual offering. If you can make a special gift or gifts in excess of your normal pledge, bless you. RCA FOOD PANTRY: Items the food pantry is in need of: Canned Vegetables and Fruit, Canned Meats, Peanut Butter. There is a shopping cart in the Narthex where these can be dropped off. TEMPORARY CHURCH OFFICE HOURS The Church Office has been temporary closed due to an uptick in COVID-19 cases in the area. Pastor Carolyn will reevaluate periodically for appropriate changes. We are checking the answering machine several times a day so that if you leave a message we will return your call ASAP. The mail is still being picked up every day for your tithes and offerings. If you need to contact either Pastor Carolyn: (319) 559-0678 or Martha: (402) 960-7544 please feel free to call us. If we are unable to answer please leave a message and we will get right back to you. Please stay safe during this unprecedented time and stay strong in knowing that God is with us! WORSHIP SERVICES WILL TEMPORARILY BE HELD in Lion’s Park and at the church on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Pastor Carolyn has also uploaded her sermon video and the full worship service audio will be available at 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings at the sites listed below.
LADIES BOOK STUDY A ladies book study group will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. at Chautauqua Park Concession Shelter. Please remember your masks and lawn chairs. Please see the Midweek Connections email or contact the office for updates and details. THIS WEEKS DAILY READINGS 30 Matthew 16:21-28 31 Ephesians 6:1-9 SEPTEMBER 01 Ephesians 6:10-24 02 Philippians 1:1-11 03 Philippians 1:12-30 04 Philippians 2:1-11 05 Philippians 2:12-30 06 Matthew 18:15-20 SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR WEEK OF AUGUST 23, 2020: OT: Exodus 1:8–2:10, Psalm: Psalm 124, Epistle: Romans 12:1-8, Gospel: Matthew 16:13-20 SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR WEEK OF AUGUST 30, 2020: OT: Exodus 3:1-15, Psalm: Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b, Epistle: Romans 12:9-21, Gospel: Matthew 16:21-28 NURSERY CARE FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN through age 3 is available on Sunday mornings. LARGE PRINT BULLETINS available from an usher. HEARING UNITS AVAILABLE and may be checked out at the soundboard. MISSIONS In February the Mission Committee has decided to collect toilet paper for our local food pantry. Please place your donations in the cart in the front entry. Thank you for your support. ATTENDANCE SLIPS We encourage you to please fill out an attendance slip, green sheets located in the pew, and place it in the offering plate as it is passed. – Thank you. IF ANYONE HAS ANY PICTURES OF OUR CHURCH EVENTS they would like to share for the newsletter please email them to [email protected] or bring them to the office. Thank you THIS WORKSHOP HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL SEPTEMBER FAMILY SYSTEMS WORKSHOP (Bowen Theory) “Integrated Leadership: Intellect, Emotions, Spirit, Behavior” Fri-Sat., Mar 20-21, 2020 at Oakland Community Center. A workshop for families, professionals, clergy, co-workers, teachers, medical personnel, business leaders, non-profit organizations, social workers, human resource personnel, and anyone else whose lives or livelihood puts them in relationship with others. (Click here to download brochure and registration form
OUR CHURCH IS ASKING FOR ANY CLEAN, PLASTIC GROCERY SACKS that you have available to share. We will be making mats for the homeless in the near future. Please leave them in the front foyer and I will put them away. Thank you. MIDWEST MISSION KITS All patterns at STUDENT SCHOOL KIT 3- Notebooks – 1 subject, spiral, 8”x10 ½” 1-Pair of student round tip scissors 1-Ruler, 12” long with metric 1-Box of 24 crayons 1-Pencil eraser, 2” or larger 1-Pencil sharpener 1-Box of 12 color pencils 6-Pensils, unsharpened AS OF MAY 6, 2019 THERE HAS NOT BEEN A SOUTHWEST DISTRICT OR DISTRICT OFFICE IN ATLANTIC. We are now in the Northwest/Southwest District with district offices being located in Storm Lake, Iowa. Terra Admundson is still our District Superintendent, but her office is a virtual office located in her home. All these changes have been made due to Conference budget downsizing. I am grateful and thankful that the congregation at Oakland UMC continues to pay your apportionments. NW/SW Bi-District DAA Contact Information: Judi Calhoon Mailing Address: 701 Seneca St, Ste 2 Storm Lake, Iowa 50588 Office Phone: (712) 732-0812 judi.calhoon@iaumcorg TO FOLLOW WHAT TRANSPIRED AT THE 2019 GENERAL CONFERENCE from February 23 to the 26th, 2019, click here. Check out our Facebook page. Go to