2023: Treasuring Oakland
These are the tools that OUMC leadership has used to prayerfully develop the Ministry Action Plan for 2023. The following pages
highlight the Missional Priorities they feel we as Oakland UMC are called to work through together in 2023 and beyond. To God be the glory!
Vision: (Where is God leading us?) To be a continual resource for and in outreach to the Oakland greater community and beyond.
Near term Objective: (what needs to happen first?) Continued development of Christ-centered leadership, worship, outreach, and facility
Context (Where are we today? What have we done in the past?)
Mission (What is our purpose? Why do we exist?)
O - Offer Christ
A - Accompany each other on the journey
K - Kindle a life of faith
Values (What’s too important to compromise?)
highlight the Missional Priorities they feel we as Oakland UMC are called to work through together in 2023 and beyond. To God be the glory!
Vision: (Where is God leading us?) To be a continual resource for and in outreach to the Oakland greater community and beyond.
Near term Objective: (what needs to happen first?) Continued development of Christ-centered leadership, worship, outreach, and facility
Context (Where are we today? What have we done in the past?)
- Decrease in church participation/attendance
- Decrease in available funds.
- Church is no longer a priority for many, any day of the week.
- Accessibility is an issue.
- Many are in various stages of grief concerning COVID and its fallout
- Due to national and international issues, the economy is troublesome, which leaves more folks with a variety of unmet basic needs.
- There are growing needs for mental health access.
- There is continued political division not only in Oakland, but throughout the nation.
- The UMC has been and is, in conflict amongst itself concerning gender issues.
Mission (What is our purpose? Why do we exist?)
O - Offer Christ
A - Accompany each other on the journey
K - Kindle a life of faith
Values (What’s too important to compromise?)
- Don't leave any generation behind.
- Stay true to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.
- Strive to love and accept unconditionally.
- Keep disciple making as our focus.
- Including social activities.
- Continuing to interact with local churches.
- Keep missions going locally, nationally and worldwide.
- Stay faithful in meeting denominational obligations.
2023: Treasuring Oakland
1. Enrich leadership with training for where their passion/gifts and Oakland UMC’s needs meet.
A. Church wide learning/review of the basics of Christian leadership sessions began September 2022 with a goal of establishing
Congregational Care Teams in the Fall of 2023.
i. Gather monthly for Together We Care where there will be a different topic each month to strengthen and deepen our faith and our skills in caring for each other.
B. Continue to develop digital ministry to provide worship experiences, study and ministry opportunities beyond the walls of the building
and geographical boundaries.
i. Increase digital knowledge
ii. Train additional volunteers to run equipment
iii. Train volunteers to develop digital content
iv. Continue to develop a plan of engagement with the digital ministry participants.
C. Engage individuals in a discussion about how they connect to information best.
i. Provide a list of ways to receive information. Ask each person to provide how they best engage
ii. After receiving results explore options open to OUMC as a small faith community to provide as many avenues of communication as
iii. Make training available to those who have a passion for connecting with folks in varying ways.
2. Continue to cultivate and experience worship as the heart of the faith community, regardless of the way individuals engage.
A. Provide an online community for those who have made OUMC their digital church home.
i. Poll those who watch online about what needs they have that we can provide virtually or in person.
ii. Explore ways to provide opportunities for the digital community to connect with each other and with the in-person community of
B. Provide more opportunities for worship outside of Sunday morning.
i. Encourage engagement in RCA Youth Group Worship
A. Church wide learning/review of the basics of Christian leadership sessions began September 2022 with a goal of establishing
Congregational Care Teams in the Fall of 2023.
i. Gather monthly for Together We Care where there will be a different topic each month to strengthen and deepen our faith and our skills in caring for each other.
B. Continue to develop digital ministry to provide worship experiences, study and ministry opportunities beyond the walls of the building
and geographical boundaries.
i. Increase digital knowledge
ii. Train additional volunteers to run equipment
iii. Train volunteers to develop digital content
iv. Continue to develop a plan of engagement with the digital ministry participants.
C. Engage individuals in a discussion about how they connect to information best.
i. Provide a list of ways to receive information. Ask each person to provide how they best engage
ii. After receiving results explore options open to OUMC as a small faith community to provide as many avenues of communication as
iii. Make training available to those who have a passion for connecting with folks in varying ways.
2. Continue to cultivate and experience worship as the heart of the faith community, regardless of the way individuals engage.
A. Provide an online community for those who have made OUMC their digital church home.
i. Poll those who watch online about what needs they have that we can provide virtually or in person.
ii. Explore ways to provide opportunities for the digital community to connect with each other and with the in-person community of
B. Provide more opportunities for worship outside of Sunday morning.
i. Encourage engagement in RCA Youth Group Worship
ii. Encourage engagement in worship when Pastor is serving at care facilities.
iii. Explore the possibility of a small intimate worship service at times besides Sunday morning
C. Increased opportunities for all to be involved in carrying out worship.
i. Provide short (less than 5 minutes) videos or in person workshops to provide information about opportunities.
a. Share videos on Facebook and other social media
b. Hold in-person right after church
ii. Develop a list of people who would be willing to participate in worship beyond being a liturgist or accolyte
D. More deeply explore worship as a verb.
i. Explore the possibility of liturgical dance and other artistic expression of faith
E. Provide informational explanations for special Sundays, holidays and traditions.
i. Make a list of regular or special things that happen in the church with the help of as many members of the Faith Family as possible.
ii. Compile results and find the answers to the questions.
iii. Explore creative ways to share the results with the entire Faith Family, including those who worship virtually.
F. Continue to explore ways to worship in our community where others may be more willing to explore joining us in praise and
3. Oakland UMC becomes a community outreach hub with accessibility for all.
A. Repair or Build Teams will continue to evaluate the needs of both the 1909 and 1960 buildings.
i. The Teams will prepare a report with estimates for both Repair and Build.
ii. The Teams will present the results of their study and research at a congregational meeting, no later than March 16, 2023.
iii. There will be a Church Conference presided over by an Ordained Elder, with a vote from members as to how OUMC will move
forward with Repair or Build.
iii. Explore the possibility of a small intimate worship service at times besides Sunday morning
C. Increased opportunities for all to be involved in carrying out worship.
i. Provide short (less than 5 minutes) videos or in person workshops to provide information about opportunities.
a. Share videos on Facebook and other social media
b. Hold in-person right after church
ii. Develop a list of people who would be willing to participate in worship beyond being a liturgist or accolyte
D. More deeply explore worship as a verb.
i. Explore the possibility of liturgical dance and other artistic expression of faith
E. Provide informational explanations for special Sundays, holidays and traditions.
i. Make a list of regular or special things that happen in the church with the help of as many members of the Faith Family as possible.
ii. Compile results and find the answers to the questions.
iii. Explore creative ways to share the results with the entire Faith Family, including those who worship virtually.
F. Continue to explore ways to worship in our community where others may be more willing to explore joining us in praise and
3. Oakland UMC becomes a community outreach hub with accessibility for all.
A. Repair or Build Teams will continue to evaluate the needs of both the 1909 and 1960 buildings.
i. The Teams will prepare a report with estimates for both Repair and Build.
ii. The Teams will present the results of their study and research at a congregational meeting, no later than March 16, 2023.
iii. There will be a Church Conference presided over by an Ordained Elder, with a vote from members as to how OUMC will move
forward with Repair or Build.
iv. The Build and Repair Teams will meet following the decision of the Church Conference to discuss next steps and to suggest team
members for the work ahead.
4. Oakland UMC is a blessing to others through our mission giving, offering our facilities for community use, providing a safe space
for those who grieve or need support in various ways, and any other opportunities we see that reinforce our call to be a gift to
Oakland and the surrounding communities.
A. Research the need for a mental health clinic, which Oakland UMC could house in their facilities.
B. Weekly Noisy Offering in worship.
C. Offer listing of various giving opportunities through the church and community.
D. Work with RCA to provide a community grief support group.
E. Provide space for all ages to engage in learning life skills.
5. Oakland UMC will actively encourage support of and participation in Riverside Church Association(RCA) and All-Stars Circuit events
and activities, because we know as small rural churches, we can do exceedingly more together.
members for the work ahead.
4. Oakland UMC is a blessing to others through our mission giving, offering our facilities for community use, providing a safe space
for those who grieve or need support in various ways, and any other opportunities we see that reinforce our call to be a gift to
Oakland and the surrounding communities.
A. Research the need for a mental health clinic, which Oakland UMC could house in their facilities.
B. Weekly Noisy Offering in worship.
C. Offer listing of various giving opportunities through the church and community.
D. Work with RCA to provide a community grief support group.
E. Provide space for all ages to engage in learning life skills.
5. Oakland UMC will actively encourage support of and participation in Riverside Church Association(RCA) and All-Stars Circuit events
and activities, because we know as small rural churches, we can do exceedingly more together.