It is the same with our faith lives! Refreshing our knowledge can be hard as we often think we know all we need to know. While there are some folks bent on convincing us they know everything, I would hazard to guess that most of us believe we know what we know and there may be more yet to know. For clarity, knowledge does not increase our faith, but instead it solidifies it. Our knowledge of Scripture, of the characteristics found in God, the ability to share our stories of faith are critical for our spiritual maturity. We don't need to know it all, but there is ALWAYS more to learn to add substance to the journey.
I wonder what that might mean for your personally? Perhaps it's a different devotional that dives a bit deeper, instead of skimming the surface. Maybe it's committing to more intentional prayer time, or reading about a biblical character that you've always been curious about. Do you have a friend, or several friends, who might also want to dig into some biblical topic or other? Do you wonder how to tell those around you about how God has worked in your life without sounding preachy or judgmental?
These are just a few things you might consider digging deeper with. Yet, even though we know the things we want to learn, sometimes, just like that second week of school when the new has worn off, we avoid the work it will take to begin and continue in deepening our faith. So, I have a challenge for you! I know, SURPRISE, right? Let's get prepared for "school" together. Our Sunday evening worship has turned into more of a gathering of folks who are interested in digging into the Psalms for their intended meaning. Perhaps you'd like to join us in that and topics beyond, as we continue to meet inside as the weather turns too cool. I know there used to be a men's group that had a weekly study. Perhaps this reminder is a call on your life to get that started again and deepen your faith or tackle current events in light of being people of the Gospel. Maybe you want to start at the beginning and see what you missed. Ask to sit in on the children or youth classes to refresh or gain basic knowledge. The main thing is to do SOMETHING besides talk about wanting to grow deeper in faith.
If you have a request of a topic you would like to approach or are needing a resource, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I likely have something in my office you can borrow. If you would like to be part of a group which I lead, but want a topic different from what is currently available, just gather 4-6 friends to attend and we will make it happen. A one time session? No problem! Long term sessions? No problem! Anywhere in between those two? No problem! The problem is when we think we have nothing to learn. So let's learn together! All of us, regardless of age, race, gender or educational level, have things we can learn from each other. So let's get learning!
Be blessed, be a blessing, and take someone along on the journey! – Pastor Kim