Be blessed, be a blessing, and take someone on the journey with you! -- Pastor Kim
by Kaitlin Curtice
If only I could Give you the Gift of Adventure.
If only I could box. her up for you,
that big red bow on top, glimmering.
But this cannot be. Adventure is not to be given or earned. She is a
breath that is prayed, a force that is found,
found in the soul of everyone and everything.
But maybe, just maybe, if I cannot box. her up for you,
I can at least point you in her direction. Maybe, at least, I can tell you
where I saw her last, what I prayed when I was alone,
waiting in a forest under the pine trees, waiting for her to appear.
Maybe that will be your Beginning.
You see, I didn't learn for a lone time. For years, as soon as I began
searching, I hid behind fear, all the while, Adventure waiting for me with
a lantern and wildflower. All that time, I only wanted pictures of her,
without knowing her presence, her warmth, her smell.
But when I met her, I found myself. When I prayed, I found God. If only I
could teach you not to be afraid. If only I could tell you that it's okay if
you don't have words left to pray.
If only I could point you towards that lantern and that wildflower.
If only I could show you the way to God.
But God cannot be given or earned. No, God is found.
So, in that soul of yours, there is the greatest opportunity.
You. The world. Breath and prayer embodied.
Everything sacred. These things would never fit into a box
with a big red bow on top, glimmering.