Remember in Prayer
- Persons who are ill and those who have lost loved ones
- Our Nursing Home and Assisted Living Residents
- Our military
- Our homebound family
- ReAnn & Ryan Hildebrand
- Jeff Young
- Kevin Fuering
- LuEllen Littleton
- Doc & LaVinna Blanchard
- Pat Eyler
- Brian Turner (Griswold Care)
- Dick & Jo Kates
- Family of Trevor Rehfeldt
Remember those in the nursing homes with cards and visits Oakland Manor:
Oakland Heights:
Heritage House:
Allen House:
Remember our men and women in the service Kristie Copenhaver, John & Mary Lou Copenhaver’s daughter Alan Walker Jared Myers, son of Robert Myers and Sid & Tami Skank Tyler Williamson, son of Michelle Swope Sonja Husz Lucas Smith, Addie Mae’s grandson Brian Thornton from Avoca Tyler Clark, Marvin & Carolyn Clark’s grandson Brad Grosvenor, Cathey Grosvenor’s son stateside Landen Pedersen, son of Tab and Lorie Pederson & great-grandson of Edith Haines .........and other area servicemen and women. Please send to the office the names of other service persons in our area so that we can include them on our prayer list. |