Worship on Palm Sunday captured both the essence of the Parade of Palms and the story of Jesus’ Passion. We celebrated with palm leaves and a song by our children along with baptism and confirmation. Then, through scripture and meditation we entered into the solemnity of Holy Week. And we left worship having been inspired once again by the DVD “Watch the Lamb”. After worship three families gathered together for a potluck in honor of our new members. The food was abundant and delicious!
You still have these Holy Week opportunities
- Good Friday service at 7:30 p.m. at the Congo UCC Church; sponsored by the RCA
- Saturday prayer vigil; we have lots of empty spaces on our signup sheet. If you are willing to fill a half-an-hour prayer period contact the church office. If you will be out of town you can still offer prayers at a time most convenient for you. Prayer guides are now available.
- Easter sunrise service at the Carson cemetery followed by breakfast at the Carson community center begins at 6:30 a.m.; in case of rain the service will be at the community center
- Sunday School and worship are at their usual times Easter Sunday; adult choir practice is at 9:30 a.m.
This week please pray for
- Bev Zuch’s mother, Bea, who is now responding and making small improvements each day
- Rev. Textor while on vacation April 26 through May 10 and for Merlin Jones who is in charge of worship May 1
- The appointment of our new pastor
- Peace in Libya and other “hot spots” around the world
For this Sunday (24th)
- Scripture: John 20:1-18
- Sermon Title: “Rising to the Occasion”
- What do the hymn “I Come to the Garden Alone” and our scripture message for today have in common?
- What does it mean to rise to the situation or to rise above it?
- In light of his betrayal and denial, his false arrest and crucifixion, how did Jesus rise to the occasion?
- Consider how this statement relates to today’s scripture—“Resurrection picks us up when we are let down.