For Sunday April 7, 2013 Second Sunday of Easter
John 20:19-31, I Corinthians 15
“Blowing in the Wind”
By Bill Cotton [email protected]
According to the Gospels, the Resurrected Christ appears six times to the Disciples and Followers.
To Mary in the Garden,
To the Disciples in the Upper room,
A second visit to the Upper Room to include Thomas.
To strangers on the Road to Emmaus
To Peter and the disciples by the lake side one bright morning
To Paul on the road to Damascus (as one untimely born)
In his Easter Sermon, I Cor. 15 , Paul tells us that the risen Christ was seem by 500 witnesses many whom had not yet fallen asleep. Apparently death was not the last word. What could it mean?
When our daughter Leslie was in the second grade she wanted her Mom and me to go to school with her. She said she needed help cleaning out her locker and was afraid to tell the teacher. We opened the locker and suddenly the hall way was inundated with floating milkweed seed—a literal silent explosion of the fluffy seed. —Leslie had brought the pods home from one of our camping trips and put them in the locker.
Later I would remember something that Walter Wink said about the Crucifixion/ Resurrection. The death of Jesus was like hitting a milk weed pod and watching a host of seed swept by the wind into the entire world—Death could not hold him—who he was, what he revealed-- word and deed were released--- gone out to the whole world. Frighten disciples, those slow to believe, doubters, betrayers, skeptics --know this-- there is for each of us a new way to be alive—to love --to soar—Yes! Easter faith cannot be contained, it is blowing in the wind. Christ is Risen Indeed! Go Tell.
John 20:19-31, I Corinthians 15
“Blowing in the Wind”
By Bill Cotton [email protected]
According to the Gospels, the Resurrected Christ appears six times to the Disciples and Followers.
To Mary in the Garden,
To the Disciples in the Upper room,
A second visit to the Upper Room to include Thomas.
To strangers on the Road to Emmaus
To Peter and the disciples by the lake side one bright morning
To Paul on the road to Damascus (as one untimely born)
In his Easter Sermon, I Cor. 15 , Paul tells us that the risen Christ was seem by 500 witnesses many whom had not yet fallen asleep. Apparently death was not the last word. What could it mean?
When our daughter Leslie was in the second grade she wanted her Mom and me to go to school with her. She said she needed help cleaning out her locker and was afraid to tell the teacher. We opened the locker and suddenly the hall way was inundated with floating milkweed seed—a literal silent explosion of the fluffy seed. —Leslie had brought the pods home from one of our camping trips and put them in the locker.
Later I would remember something that Walter Wink said about the Crucifixion/ Resurrection. The death of Jesus was like hitting a milk weed pod and watching a host of seed swept by the wind into the entire world—Death could not hold him—who he was, what he revealed-- word and deed were released--- gone out to the whole world. Frighten disciples, those slow to believe, doubters, betrayers, skeptics --know this-- there is for each of us a new way to be alive—to love --to soar—Yes! Easter faith cannot be contained, it is blowing in the wind. Christ is Risen Indeed! Go Tell.