As I was thinking about the coming of a new year, I recalled words I had read about how to go into a new year. The words can be found in a daily devotional book written by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman titled Streams in the Desert. The book was published in 1966. I purchased the book in 1971 as a Father’s Day gift for my grandfather. The book was returned to me after my grandfather’s death in 1975.
I found much comfort and encouragement from the reading of this book as I have turned to it countless times for over 35 years. I would like to share with you the words written by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman about how to go into a new year:
“Advance into this new year on your knees. Faith does not concern itself with the entire journey. One step is enough. That first step is all that is needed. Breathe a prayer of courage to fill your legs as well as your heart as you face the unknown, the unexpected. What matters that you know not your destination? Put your hand into the hand of God. He gives the calmness and serenity of heart and soul. As He endures, you too, can endure the climb over sharp rocks and crags. Climb with Him to the end of the year – yea, even to the end of life’s trail.”
Begin the new year with prayer, and hold on to God’s hand as He leads you through the year. I can’t think of any better advice than that!
Wishing you a Blessed New Year!
Pastor Karen