I can hardly believe it is almost December. And we all know what that means- Christmas is rapidly approaching! I have been thinking of the many ways I have prepared for past Christmases. I almost always make lists, lots of lists - list of decorations I need to buy, list of gifts I want to buy, list of food I want to serve, list of food I need to buy, list of cookies, candies and breads I want to bake (note to self *forget that list, pretty sure that’s not going to happen), list of house cleaning jobs I want to get done and the lists go on. To be honest, the older I get, the shorter the lists get. I am not sure what that means, but I think it is probably okay.
This past week as I have been reading the scriptures for the first Sunday in Advent, I have read that we are to be prepared. We are to be prepared for the coming of Christ as a babe in a manger and we are to be prepared for Christ’s second coming as King of all creation. Preparing for the first and second coming of our Lord and preparing for the Christmas holiday are not the same. I think I need to make different kinds of lists this December. How about a list of daily scriptures I will read during Advent. How about a list of my many blessings. I could make a list of the ways I can thank God for my many blessings. I could make a list of the people I will send cards to- thanking them for making a positive difference in my life. How about a list of the behaviors I would like to change, such as worrying, being impatient, etc. Then I could make a list of when I will take time out of my day to pray to God to help me worry less, be more patient, etc. What about a list of the nonprofit agencies I could donate to this Advent. Well, you get the idea.
It’s fun to shop for gifts and decorate and cook for the holidays, but we cannot forget the One who has made all of life possible for us, the One who loves us beyond measure, the One who died for us, the One who will be with us for always.
Whatever our preparations are for Advent and Christmas, above all else, may “our lists” reflect our love and devotion and thankfulness to our Lord and Savior.
Wishing all of you a very Blessed Merry Christmas!
And All God’s Children Said,
Pastor Karen