When I picked up the mail today, in the box was a piece of mail with the return label Leawood, Kansas. Since I don’t know anyone who lives in Leawood, or at least I don’t remember, I was in a hurry to open the envelope to see what was inside. Much to my surprise, it was a note from a member of the Church of the Resurrection. The member wrote to tell me that she is lifting all of us up in prayer that we may be encouraged and renewed to keep moving forward as we seek to be hands and feet of Christ in this world. It felt really good to hear from someone who is lifting all of us up in prayer, even though she does not know us personally. It is heartwarming when one discovers that people actually do care, especially people whom you have never met. It renews your faith in God and in humanity.
Very recently our church was awarded a mission award, the 2014 Rainbow Covenant Award, Third Mile. We were given this award because of our mission work in our community, in our state, in our nation, and around the world.
Since 2014 has been a little while ago, you may have forgotten the specific missions you gave to in 2014 that made it possible for us to receive the Rainbow Covenant Award, Third Mile. So I will refresh your memory. Listed below are the missions you gave to in 2014:
Human Relations Day One Great Hour of Sharing Native American Awareness Sunday Peace with Justice Sunday World Communion Sunday United Methodist Student Day Christian Education Sunday SW District Offering Builders Call Women at the Well Iowa Disaster Relief Fund Layette Kits Micah House Sienna/Francis House | Methodist Border Mission Network Heifer Project School Milk Money Texas Border Crisis Imagine No Malaria Water for Life Larry Kies, missionary Shoe Box Angels Aid & Assistance Camperships Local Food Pantry Propane Assistance UMCOR Disaster Response International |
Through your giving you have renewed people’s faith in God and humanity.
And through your giving you have followed the greatest commandments, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
Thank you for giving!
Pastor Karen