Although every Sunday is a day to celebrate as we
come together to worship our Lord and Savior, the four
Sundays in April have added reasons to celebrate. On
the first Sunday in April, April 7th, the High School
Youth Group, under the leadership of youth leader
volunteer, Tim White, will be leading our worship
service. The Gospel Lesson for that Sunday is about
Doubting Thomas. The youth will share a drama with
us titled The Faith Zone.
The following Sunday, the 14th, is Confirmation
Sunday. Four youth will be confirmed and join our
congregation. Prior to being confirmed, the youth will
share their faith statements with the congregation.
On the third Sunday, April 21st, we will learn more (via
video) about a United Methodist missionary, Larry Kies,
serving in Africa. Some of you may have met Larry if
you were able to come to our last All Church Birthday
Party. Larry was our guest speaker at that event. Our
third Sunday offering will go to support Larry's
missionary work.
April 28th has been designated as Camping Sunday. It
is the Sunday we recognize campers and it is a time to
get people thinking about camp.
And we can't forget about the special event on the
28th held before the worship service. Sunday morning
from 8-10am the men of our church will serve a
pancake breakfast in Fellowship Hall. The free will
offering will be used to help eliminate malaria.
I pray you will join us for worship and breakfast during
the month of April. We are the body of Christ. In 1
Corinthians 12:14 & 27 we read, “For the body does
not consist of one member, but many. Now you are the
body of Christ and individually members of it.” We
need each and every one of you. You are all important
to the life of the church.
“You are members of God's very own family, citizens of
God's country, and you belong to God's household with
every other Christian.” Ephesians 2:19b
And All God's Children Said,
Pastor Karen