First is WHO – Who has this Lenten season been about? Me and my unending schedule and tired self, or about Jesus and the role He plays in my life, as well as my need to dig deeper into my faith? Who am I in the servant Body of Christ? Who am I as a Child of God?
Second is WHAT – What does this season do if not to bring me closer to my Savior, become connected to a deeper understanding of God’s Word in my life, and preparing myself for the Easter morning “Alleluia?”
Third is WHERE – Where am I spending my time during each day? Is it in the busy-ness of the world or in the faith-ness of my ever-constant search for deeper faith? Am I letting the schedule of the world overrule the schedule I need to keep for my faith and reliance on God strengthening moments?
Fourth is WHEN – When will I learn to focus on the important stuff, and not the pinpricks and irritating grains of sand in life, and instead focus on love of self, neighbor, siblings in Christ, and through that strengthen my love of God, Christ, and Holy Spirit? When will I be strong enough in my faith to leave the familiar behind and instead reach out and grasp the Will of God with both hands, moving into uncharted territory that is anything but familiar?
Fifth is WHY – Why do I resist faith-filled abandonment into a life of selfless service and dedication to God who loves me even when I mess up royally? Why, when I unintentionally say words with inflection that breeds misunderstanding, stumble through familiar territory that should be an easy journey, make mistakes that make others wonder if I should be known as a Christian, or any myriad of things, do I feel that I am not worthy of the love of God who offers grace and love despite my societal shortcomings and finger pointing of self-righteous humans?
Sixth is HOW – How does my daily life move me closer to the leading of the Holy Spirit in directing my daily steps? How do all the things I’ve mentioned first through fifth come together to give me a better understanding of who I am not by worldly standards, but by God’s standards? How often do I become negligent of my faith because it’s easy or less difficult or boring or overwhelming in ways that just floating through the day is not?
Matthew 12:28 (NRSV)
WHO keeps us from calling out? WHAT lets us call out and then worship from afar? WHERE do we let this Savior and this grace be evident in our lives? WHEN will we quit trying to hide our true selves, even though God knows who we were before we were born? WHY do we not witness to a world which so badly needs to see a higher calling on their lives than they currently seek? HOW do we lift up the broken hearted, broken spirited, broken lives people in our midst?
If we break it all down, it rests on the foundation of relationship. Relationship with God, ourselves, our neighbor, our world. Being in relationship takes more than one person. That reminds us that we must walk these worn roadways of faith together. Supporting each other in Christian love and coming together in relationship building fellowship. How does the world know what we fail to bring into the light; that God awaits their acknowledgement?
May we each spend the remainder of our Lenten season focusing on seeking answers to the questions, not the questions themselves. In the midst of all that we say and do be glorifying to God!
Pastor Kim