Reflections from Pastor Kim
To that end, I need you to know that you are loved. Period. You have sacred worth. Period. I could care less what your political viewpoints are, what religion (or lack thereof) you follow, who you choose to be your life partner, what your upbringing was or was not, how much money you do or do not have in the bank, what decisions you've made or not made, the silence you have kept, the truths you have told, the secrets you have harbored, the life you have led, where you are either spiritually, emotionally, physically, or mentally. What I do care about immensely is you. Just you, where you are.
I vow here and now to be a person who is safe to talk to about whatever it is you need to talk about, whenever you need to talk. I vow to help talk things through with you and find best next steps for you. I vow to walk with you in the ways that I am called, and helping you find safe alternatives when I am called to be still. I vow to see your sacred worth. I vow to love you for who you are.
It feels like it isn't much to give, this thing we call love. A large majority of today's society would tell us that indeed, we should DO something. That is what these vows entail, DOING something. Perhaps that is what has permeated our society; a need to have X, Y and Z happen before we love, instead of raining love on someone and then seeing how we help them be their best selves, even if we don't quite understand what that looks like ourselves. We represent ourselves as people of faith, so why is it so hard to let faith-filled love lead the way?
As we move toward the season of resurrection, we remember a Savior who didn't ask the man on each side of him as the three clung to life if they had been baptized, confirmed, taken communion, signed on the dotted line, lived a certain way or said the right prayer. Instead to the one who challenged his Messiahship, Jesus, in scripture, did not answer. To the one who asked to be remembered, Jesus simply said, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise." (Luke 23:43 NRSVUE) This is the love we strive to reflect, the love we strive to give. This is a love that is safe, a love that is free of encumbrance, except to utter the name, "Jesus."
You are loved. You have sacred worth. When we understand these two things about ourselves we become a bit closer to being whole, a bit closer to being our best selves, a bit closer to Jesus, a bit closer to who we are called to be as a follower of Christ. Let's do this hard work of realization together. We are worth this and more in the eyes of Christ and if we look fully in each other's face, the eyes of each other.