The theme of this year’s Vacation Bible School Program was “Home-town Nazareth.” The children had a great time learning and experiencing what life was like for Jesus growing up. They visited several marketplace shops such as the carpentry shop, the farmer’s field, the dye shop, and the barnyard. They also visited Mary’s House every day to hear stories about Jesus.
The children were encouraged to think about ways God is active in our everyday lives, like in a laugh, a kind word, or a tasty snack. We call those things God Sightings.
In ancient Nazareth, a large flock of sheep was a sign of wealth or blessing. A pasture was created on a wall in Fellowship Hall. God Sightings were written on paper sheep and then hung on the pasture wall for all to see the evidence of God in our world today. The God Sightings are a visual reminder of the bountiful blessings God continues to pour out on us today and the ways that God still “shows up” in our lives.
I thought maybe you would enjoy reading what the children saw as evidence of God in their lives. They are listed below:
-the sky
-flips in the pool
-tree sap
-on the 1st day of school
-when you drop something and pick it up before it hits the floor
-cool breeze
-root beer floats
-VBS songs
-birds singing
-seeing real lambs
-being alone, but not feeling lonely
-deer in the cornfield
-when the sky is really dark and the sun pops out
right in the middle
-shooting star
-the cross
-when I pray
-when the water brushed on me
-riding bikes
-during bad weather
-when I’m sad
-when I’m happy
-playing outside
And All God’s Children Said,
Pastor Karen