As I walked out of the church on Monday afternoon, February 18th the sun was shining and the heat it created gave the allusion that the day was much warmer than what it was. An eighteen-degree day is feeling more like forty degrees gave me a very good feeling. With the sun’s light and warmth overcoming me I suddenly heard in the bare bushes at the front south corner of the church birds singing. Music, sweet music coming from the front of the church. Sounds that I haven’t heard in a while. The birds must have also been engulfed in the sun’s light and warmth. Allowing them to temporarily leave winter’s cruel sting and sing of their joy.
I thank God for the serenade and the sun shine as it was good medicine before we get hit with another round of snow. The weather people are telling us that we are looking for four to seven inches of new snow with the possibility of more to come in just days after that snow. Since we are on a winter time treadmill with more snow than what we need coming our way it would be very easy to get into a winter depression.
A very dear friend of mine once told me when I was growling about the snow fall we were receiving. That snow is God’s creation too! I had to admit my friend was right. Following my friend’s logic includes the question are we not to give God thanks for all things. As the snow has purpose in the great scheme of things like everything else that God has created?
Yesterday morning after we received another snow fall, I was walking our dog around 5:30 that morning When I stepped out of the house and started walking down the street I was suddenly engulfed in white. The new snow was being reflecting the light from street lamps and made the whole world a pristine white. The brightness faded the colors of houses and cars parked along the street. And have you ever noticed after a snow fall how there is a silence and any and all noise seemed to be muffled. Not only was there light and silence but also that morning there was no wind to whistle through bare tree limbs. All is calm and all is quiet.
A holy hush had descended upon the earth that morning and the presence of God was with anyone who took the time to notice. A reminder that the God of creation shows up in every season and in anyplace we choose to stop and take the time to notice. I am still not happy that we are going to get more snow this weekend but with the knowledge that God will be there. Instead of being annoyed I will be in anticipation of the many blessings each snow brings to experience God. So, enjoy winter the best you can as God has blessed us to bring us through another season.
Spring is coming!
See you Sunday,
Rev. Dennis Hopes