On May 18th, during our worship service, the Sunday School youth will receive their participation certificates. We will also recognize and present our Christian Education teachers with a Certificate of Appreciation. We are very blessed in this congregation to have people who are willing to give of their time, talents, and resources to teach our children/youth about our Lord and Savior.
The truth is (studies have proven) that a Christian education does make a difference in the lives of young people. Most importantly a child's faith is impacted by the church ministries they are a part of. Studies show that nearly half of all Americans who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior do so before the age of 13.
It is not only a child's faith that is impacted by a Christian education. A Christian education also plays a role in a child growing up to be a healthy, caring, and responsible adult. Search Institute has identified 40 building blocks (Developmental Assets) of healthy development that help young people grow up healthy, caring and responsible. One of the external assets states: “Religious Community – Young person spends one or more hours per week in a religious institution.” Studies consistently show that the more Development Assets young people have, the more likely they are to be prepared for life and the less likely they are to engage in a wide range of high-risk behaviors.
What our teachers do for our young people, in the name of Jesus, is priceless! Please take time to thank these special people who give of their time, talents, and resources to teach our young people about our Lord and Savior. We are all blessed by this ministry.
And All God's Children Said,
Pastor Karen