Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourself into his presence.
Know this: God is God, and God, God.
He made us; we didn't make him.
We're his people, his well-tended sheep.
Enter with the password: “Thank you!”
Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
Thank him. Worship him.
For God is sheer beauty,
all generous in love,
loyal always and ever.
Psalm 100
Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
I really do like the image of standing up and applauding God. Certainly we have much to applaud God for! We are blessed to serve a God who loves us beyond measure. We are blessed that through the life of Jesus we have come to know the God who created us and loves us unconditionally. We are blessed that through the Spirit of God we can be assured of God's forgiveness for us. We are blessed that we can come before God at anytime and anywhere to share our deepest thoughts. We are blessed that while we are applauding God for all he has done, is doing, and will do, God is applauding us simply because we are.
When was the last time you stood on your feet, looked to the heavens, clapped your hands, and shouted in your loudest voice, “Yea, God!” Heaven knows our Creator deserves it!
Have a Blessed Thankful Thanksgiving!
And All God's Children Said,
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thank you for the gift cards you gave to me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Jerry and I will most certainly enjoy dining
out. Thank you for your love and support!
We are blessed!
In Christ's Love,
Pastor Karen