We all have wounds. We all have scars. Physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual. So many injuries which are left to fester. Most often, because we are too busy taking care of others, or rushing to the next thing, to be able to take care of the pain caused by scar tissue which grows layer by layer. Even if we are very private people, there are ways to facilitate healing of all kinds in our lives. Never be afraid or embarrassed to seek out healing balms of life. They are life giving, and life affirming.
Below find a portion of the article by Cary Brown, Spiritual Director, and Administrative Assistant for Early UMC, Early, Iowa.

When I see trees like that, I wonder what they have been through to end up like that…. Their ‘wounds’ are hidden by the leaves during most of the year but during winter, those ‘wounds’ end up showing their beauty. Just like us. Most of the time our ‘wounds’ and imperfections are hidden because we are ashamed of them. What we don’t get is that those ‘wounds’ and imperfections have a beauty all of their own.
How many people around us need to see and hear about our ‘wounds’ and imperfections in order to know they can make it through their own? Whether your story includes surviving abuse of any kind, or surviving cancer, or the death of a loved one, or a fire, or any other of a multitude of things, people need to hear from you that this can be survived! In fact, can even be a grace.

“The changing of leaves reminds us that new wonders are just around the corner.” When we are willing to let the leaves of our lives change and eventually fall, we let others see the wonders that are just around the corner. Yes, it hurts. Yes, it is uncomfortable. Jesus knows all about hurting and being uncomfortable – but, more than anything, he knows the wonder!!
Pastor Kim