If our district schedules another Faith Fest next year, I hope that you will plan to attend. The music, all kinds of music, was uplifting, and the witnessing was definitely inspiring.
Two coming church events to be mindful of—Confirmation on Palm Sunday April 17 and Saturday May 14 for activities to show our appreciation for the community of Oakland.
This week please pray for
- the ongoing threat of radiation in Japan
- persons serving in the armed services
- peace in Libya and other “hot spots” around the world
- the families of Merle Davis and Dorothy Forristall
- Edith Haines, Don Eylers and others who are recovering for surgery
- our church staff. Sheryl is on her third round of bronchitis and Gordon’s leg is refusing to heal.
- I also invite you to pray for Nancy Allen, a retired pastor friend of mine who was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma
For this Sunday (3rd)
- Scripture: John 9:1-41
- Sermon Title: “Always Something More”
- How long had the man in this scripture passage been blind?
- Do we ever blame the victim or the victim’s family, such as the disciples did in this bible story?
- What did Jesus have to say about that?
- The blind man first encountered Jesus as a healer. What else did he learn about Jesus before the story ends?
- Why do you think the Pharisees were so “bent out of shape” by this healing incident?
- Why did the man’s parents try to remove themselves from the whole incident?
- In verse 39 Jesus claimed to have come to the world so that the blind could see and that those who could see should become blind. Who was he talking about?
- Where do we fit in this story?