Have you been enjoying this beautiful fall weather? Then prayers of thanksgiving as well as harvest safety are certainly in order!
The Christian Church folk had great weather for the dedication of their new building Sunday. We sent a plant of congratulations to them in the name of our congregation. Hope some of you had a chance to take part in the festivities. “Miracle” was the word of the day for them. May it also be a word for us!
I indicated some changes might be in store for the youth groups. Because of school activities, the senior high group will not be meeting this week or next. Some of them, though, will be gathering on Thursday to decorate pumpkins for folks in Oakland Manor. The junior youth group ate at 6:00 p.m. instead of 6:30 p.m. this week in order to work in a field trip to Treynor. They will resume meeting at their usual time next week.
Making it to worship is always a worthwhile experience, an event pleasing to God. But if you like to sing, the 31st will be a special event for you. We are having a worship song fest, and you are invited to come prepared to request your favorite hymns. Also our children will be presenting some special numbers.
For this Sunday (24th)
• Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
• Sermon title: Heartfelt Compassion
1. What virtue or quality of character was Jesus highlighting in this parable?
2. In what ways, if any, are you like the robbers – cold-hearted, ruthless, selfish, etc.
3. In what ways, if any, are you like the scribe or Levite – observers, skirting trouble, avoiding involvement, etc.
4. In what ways, if any, are you like the Good Samaritan – compassionate, helpful, self-giving, etc.
5. Why do you think Jesus choose a Samaritan to teach about neighborliness and compassion?
If you are using the stewardship study book be ready to discussion chapter 6 this Sunday.
Shirley TEXtor