It’s me again…
Don’t forget our movie night this Saturday at 6:30 p.m. We’re showing a movie for the young at heart—“The Santa Claus” with Tim Allen. This is an occasion for all age groups so come and bring guests with you. The movie is free, and there will be cookies and drinks available at intermission for a free will offering.
Our Sunday School Christmas program will be during worship the 19th. The Christmas Eve Service is Friday the 24th at 10:00 p.m.
Please pray for Ilene Parkhill who has gone to stay with her daughter in Virginia for the duration of her chemo treatments. Her address will be in this Sunday’s bulletin. Also keep in mind Shirley Frizzell. Her knee replacement is doing well, but she has had a prolonged stay in the hospital to get her potassium level back on an even keel. In addition, several families who have lost loved ones recently can use your prayers and words of support.
For this Sunday (12th)
• Scripture: Isaiah 35:1-10
• Scripture: Matthew 11:2-6
• Sermon Title: Signs of the Kingdom
For Reflection
1. This is the third Sunday of Advent; the theme is joy. Where do you see joy reflected in our scripture passages?
2. What words and phrases in these two scriptures are similar?
3. Why do you think John the Baptist might have been wondering if Jesus was really the Messiah?
4. How did Jesus respond to John’s question?
5. The sermon has to do with signs of the kingdom. Where do you find signs of the presence of God’s kingdom in our time and in our midst?
May you be blessed as you wait and prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus and at the same time live in anticipation of his glorious appearance and final triumph.