Season’s greetings everyone!
On the 19th I turned a year older. So far I don’t feel it! Thanks for your greetings, gifts, cards, prayers and best wishes; also for singing Happy Birthday to me during our Sharing of Joys.
If you didn’t make it to our Sunday School Christmas program, you missed out on some good singing and a meaningful message. You also missed out on kids being kids-- several struggles for control of microphones a tearfully reluctant Mary; a wandering wise man and another with his crown stuck over his ears, an angel crawling under the Communion rail, etc. I’m really sorry you had to miss out.
Our Christmas Eve Candle Light worship service begins at 10:00 p.m. Friday. Hopefully the snowy weather will be over before that. Thanks to everyone who will be helping make this an inspirational and meaningful occasion.
Sunday we’ll be singing a number of Christmas carols (pp. 217-254 in our hymnbook). Be ready to choose your favorites.
This week be sure to offer up prayers for our members or friends serving in the military; especially those who will not be able to celebrate Christmas or the New Year with family.
For this Sunday (26th)
• Scripture: Matthew 2:13-23
• Sermon Title: Holy Refugees
For Reflection
1. What events surrounding your celebration of Christmas will likely be less than perfect?
2. What events surrounding the birth of Jesus were less than picture-perfect?
3. How did Herod react to the news that a new king was to be born? Does that kind of behavior
happen in our time?
4. What part did “divine intervention” play in this scripture passage?
God is with us—let’s celebrate!