Hello, everyone.
Haven’t the warm days and sunshine been great! But don't start thinking of spring too soon. After all we still have March madness and possible winter storms to get through.
Two important activities in MARCH--Ash Wednesday (9th) with worship at the Carson United Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m. and Faith Fest (27th) at the Hancock United Methodist Church from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. (more details on the Faith Fest later). Also, don’t forget to keep Saturday MAY 14th open for Community Appreciation Day activities by our children, youth, and adults.
Continue in prayer for our church staff—Sheryl Sindt and Gordon Frizzell. Sheryl is still dealing with bronchitis and Gordon is recovering from a broken leg. Also, Nancy Young is homebound with a nasty cold. Continue in prayer for Gloria Gleaves and others in severe pain, for persons with cancer, and for the family and friends of the young man, Brad Klindt who recently committed suicide.
For this Sunday (20th)
• Scripture: Matthew 5:38-48
• Sermon Title: Loves True Measure
For Reflection
- Remember that in these verses Jesus is describing Kingdom attitudes and actions. Do you think they are doable?
- If yes, how? If not, why does Jesus bother to teach about such things?
- Have you ever experienced any of the situations which Jesus comments about in these verses? If so, have you been able to live out any Kingdom attitudes or behaviors?
- Where do you think I came up with the title “Loves True Measure”? I’m sort of wondering about that myself!