Would you believe—Holy Week is just around the corner!
Two coming church events you don’t want to miss out on—Confirmation on Palm Sunday April 17 and Saturday May 14 for activities to show our appreciation for the community of Oakland.
This week please pray for
For this Sunday (10th)
Two coming church events you don’t want to miss out on—Confirmation on Palm Sunday April 17 and Saturday May 14 for activities to show our appreciation for the community of Oakland.
This week please pray for
- The ongoing threat of radiation in Japan
- Peace in Libya and other “hot spots” around the world
- Edith Haines, Don Eylers and others who are recovering for surgery
- The mothers of Chuck and Bev Zuch and others who are hospitalized
- Our church staff: Sheryl is on her third round of bronchitis and Gordon’s leg is refusing to heal.
- Nancy Allen, a retired pastor friend of mine, who was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma
For this Sunday (10th)
- Scripture: John 11:17-27, 32-44
- Sermon Title: “Called Out of the Tomb”
- For further light on this scripture read John 11:1-53
- Why was it dangerous for Jesus to go to Lazarus’ family?
- What did Martha believe when she first visited with Jesus?
- Whom did she finally recognize Jesus to be?
- What did people say about Jesus when he wept?
- What did Jesus do for Lazarus?
- Do we have any tombs Jesus needs to command us to come out of?
- How did the Pharisees react to Jesus for bring Lazarus back to life?