Dear friends …
Please continue in prayer for Addie Mae Smith. She is now in residence at Kavanagh Hospice House in Des Moines.
We have another full Sunday ahead of us. It’s kick-off Sunday for Sunday School! The children’s classes will be meeting at 9:00 a.m. Adult classes will meet after worship beginning the 19th. The adult study: “Giving: unlocking the heart of good stewardship”; study books are $10. Other adult stewardship study classes will meet on Tuesdays. Confirmation membership classes for 7th and 8th graders will be held on Sundays after worship October through February.
During worship third graders will receive bibles, teachers and other leaders will be recognized, and memorial gifts will be dedicated. A potluck lunch will follow worship. Hope you’ll be there to join us.
For this Sunday (12th)
• Scripture: Luke 15:1-10
• Sermon: Join in the Celebration
For reflection
1. Who was Jesus talking to when he told these two parables? Why?
2. As an observer of the occasion—what do you see and hear?
3. What do you think the people in this story were feeling? (Pharisees? Jesus? The crowd? The shepherd? The woman?)
4. Have you ever frantically searched for a lost pet or lost object? How did you feel when you found them?
5. What do we learn about God from this passage?
Please continue in prayer for Addie Mae Smith. She is now in residence at Kavanagh Hospice House in Des Moines.
We have another full Sunday ahead of us. It’s kick-off Sunday for Sunday School! The children’s classes will be meeting at 9:00 a.m. Adult classes will meet after worship beginning the 19th. The adult study: “Giving: unlocking the heart of good stewardship”; study books are $10. Other adult stewardship study classes will meet on Tuesdays. Confirmation membership classes for 7th and 8th graders will be held on Sundays after worship October through February.
During worship third graders will receive bibles, teachers and other leaders will be recognized, and memorial gifts will be dedicated. A potluck lunch will follow worship. Hope you’ll be there to join us.
For this Sunday (12th)
• Scripture: Luke 15:1-10
• Sermon: Join in the Celebration
For reflection
1. Who was Jesus talking to when he told these two parables? Why?
2. As an observer of the occasion—what do you see and hear?
3. What do you think the people in this story were feeling? (Pharisees? Jesus? The crowd? The shepherd? The woman?)
4. Have you ever frantically searched for a lost pet or lost object? How did you feel when you found them?
5. What do we learn about God from this passage?