Happy New Year!
What a blessing to be able to have our Christmas Eve service; we weren’t so fortunate last year! What an inspiration to see people gathered in a circle in the darkened sanctuary with lit candles, singing carols in remembrance of that very special awesome “Silent Night” of long ago. Thanks to Veva Larson and the choir, Marilyn Hackett, Jim Johnson, and the confirmation youth for their part in the service.
This week I invite you to pray for the men and women serving in the Armed Services, Ilene Parkhill who at last report was still in the hospital with pneumonia, Mark Martens who is experiencing serious back problems, the Rilma Hummel family for her loss, and Richard Shanno who is finally home after a week in the hospital with breathing problems.
Children’s Sunday School will continue to meet at 9:00 a.m. In January and February the adult class will meet with Merlin Jones and the confirmation youth with Rev. Textor after worship.
Are you on the church officer’s list? If so, reserve from noon to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday January 23 for our special program planning session.
For this Sunday (2nd)
• Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
• Sermon Title: Journey in Expectation
For Reflection
1. Why did the wise men take their long journey?
2. Why did they stop in Jerusalem and consult Herod?
3. How did the Jewish “experts” react to the information they found out about Bethlehem being
the birthplace of the Messiah?
4. Can indifference lead us to take our faith for granted?
5. Did the wise men, who were Gentiles, find what they were looking for?
6. This Sunday is Communion Sunday. How might you approach this Sacrament in expectation?
Ilene is now out of the hospital and staying at her son's house due to flu at her daughter's.