Our worship attendance was down last week because of the snowstorm. But sixteen men and woman made it to our program planning meeting after lunch. We began plans for a very exciting event Saturday May 14. We want as many people as possible to take part; all age groups included. So circle this date on your calendar and do your best to hold it open. You’ll be hearing more details about this in the weeks and months ahead.
The Administrative Council met January 20 to begin their work for 2011. The education committee has also met. All other committees need to meet in February to begin their work for the year. Committee chairpersons, please let Rev. Textor know when and where your group will meet.
Be sure to continue in prayer for the Darlene Frizzell and Mark Strong families and others who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Also include Ilene Parkhill (should be able to resume chemo treatments soon), Edith Haines (chemo treatments), Lonnie Smith (lung cancer), Gordon Frizzell (broken bone in leg), Gene Gleaves (recovering from knee replacement surgery), and Dorothy Brandes’ daughter Shari (in Emmanuel Hospital with intense back pain), and Dorothy Brandes’ grandson Richie (back brace).
And don’t forget to pray for those who will be choosing the new pastor for this church.
For this Sunday (30th)
- Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12
- Sermon Title: Congratulations
For Reflection
- What kinds of people, attitudes, or behavior does Jesus address in this passage from the Sermon on the Mount?
- Do you identify with any of them?
- What rewards (blessing, happiness, congratulations) does Jesus promise his listeners?
- How are these blessings made possible?
- Do you know any persons who seem to fit in one or more of the rewards category?