Greetings and salutations!
Good news. We have some people who are finally feeling better and willing to give up their place on our prayer list for others! We’re glad that Ilene Parkhill is feeling better and able to continue her chemo treatments. Also, Gloria Gleaves had an epidural this week and we’re hopeful that it will help relieve some of her pain. However we do need to direct our prayers toward the family and friends of those grieving the loss of loved ones. And we need to broaden our horizons and pray ardently for peace. The present turmoil in various countries is a visible sign of this need.
Thanks to all of you who donated food or time to assist with the Klindt family funeral luncheon in Carson. This is an excellent example of taking “church” into the community.
Be aware that we still need senior high youth group counselors for the last three Wednesdays in March and first three Wednesdays in April. If you can help, contact Mark Martens.
Be sure to keep these March activities in mind--Ash Wednesday (9th) with worship at the Carson United Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m., our Heifer Project Chicken Delight potluck (20th) and Faith Fest (27th), a service of inspirational singing and witnessing at the Hancock United Methodist Church from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Have you saved Saturday MAY 14th to help our church show their appreciation for our community through activities by our children, youth, and adults?
For this Sunday (27th)
• Scripture: Matthew 6:24-34
• Sermon Title: Seek Ye First
For Reflection
1. To serve God or money – why can’t we do both?
2. How does serving God differ from serving money?
3. Why should we give our primary allegiance to God?
4. How does this passage describe God’s love for us?
5. What does this scripture say about having trouble or bad times?